Mike Morrill
I decided to join YEAA and run my own branch of Young Entrepreneurs because I saw it as an incredible opportunity to grow and also gain real-world experience running a business. The amount of personal and professional growth I have achieved through this internship is unparalleled by any other experience I have ever had before. I have obtained experience in marketing, sales, management, recruiting and so much more. Another great part of this internship is the networking aspect of it. I have been fortunate enough to meet and work with so many other ambitious, like-minded students that I would have missed out on if I hadn’t done this internship. This internship constantly reminds me that you are capable of accomplishing so much more than you perceive to be possible if you are simply willing to put in consistent effort and grind through adversity. I know that by the end of this summer, I will look back and be extremely glad to have taken part in this internship as well as walk away with a story that will set me a apart from almost all of my peers.